Sunday, June 9, 2013

Outfitting Government Agencies with State of the Art Industrial Furniture Solutions

You know that winning government contracts can be a financial windfall for your industrial furniture manufacturing and marketing organization.  Government agencies often have large needs and large budgets allocated to filling them.  The challenge is not identifying qualified prospects.  I am sure you can make a list of government agencies that number in the thousands, and they all need furniture.  The problems lie in negotiating sealed bid processes that are often as mysterious as the alphabet soup of organizations that submit the call for submissions.

Government agencies also want nothing but the best quality products, yet select vendors based on a reverse auction method?  Does justifying expenditure solely on price automatically limit the top rated vendors from having a chance to compete?  It shouldn't.  This is where the window of opportunity lies for innovative organizations to showcase their unique expertise by highlighting value added solutions such as business process re-engineering and patented proprietary technology.  Organizations that continually invest in research and development are more likely to spot and eliminate inefficiencies that can lead to millions of dollars in annual savings through waste reduction.  These savings can then be passed on to customers in the form of lower prices.  The old days of your business living good off bloated government contracts are over.  You must provide the most state of the art products at the lowest possible price.  Is your business up for the challenge?

It better be, or else your days of doing industrial furniture business with government agencies are numbered.

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