Sunday, June 9, 2013

3 Tips for Selecting Laboratory Furniture for a Globally Competitive Research Center

High quality laboratory furniture is the among the most significant investments a research center makes, outside of the direct costs of research.  It is not a decision that is undertaken without multiple levels of formal corporate review and careful financial consideration.  With so much riding on the investment decision, we have put together a list of best practices to help guide your decision making.

1.  Choose Quality over Quantity and Price

When making a large capital investment, its tempting to save a buck here or there.  This can be ill advised.  Remember that this investment in laboratory furniture is for the long term, and a little money saved up front could mean a compromise in quality and potential headaches down the road.

2.  Identify Exactly the Pieces You Will Need

Conduct a thorough inventory audit of your current supplies.  Monitor the workflow around your research center.  Take note of what areas get the most use.  Often clients notice that their current space is either improperly designed for their needs, or is in some other way inadequate.  Eliminating equipment you don't need and replacing it with only what you do can be a source of significant savings.

3.  Shop and Compare

There are multiple vendors for Research Center laboratory furniture.  JUst as if you were buying a car, take your time and shop around.  You may uncover a vendor you had not previously considered by conducting a thorough investigation.

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